When we talk about “God’s Will” most of the time we are longing to know his personal will for us. It’s unfortunate that the conversation stays there, because God’s will can be a much more when we look beyond his specific will. In addition to his specific will, there is moral will and sovereign will. God’s moral will has to do with how he longs for his creation to function. Morality isn’t just a list of things we should or shouldn’t do; it outlines things we were designed for and things harmful to us. God’s moral will is found in the scriptures as we begin to learn how he ordered creation and humanity. Finally, God’s sovereign will is when God wants something to happen and he simply accomplishes it directly. It’s his, “let there be light” kind of will.

When you are at a loss for what to do in the specifics of life it can be very helpful to focus on God’s moral will. How has God created you and what does he teach you about becoming a thriving person? That is a question the scriptures address more directly. I wrote the song posted with this devotional and it says, “I’ve decided to follow you and that’s enough.” As I studied God’s will at the end of Bible college, I was hoping for a specific direction for my life. Instead, God taught me I could follow his general will and trust him to open and close doors as needed. I decided I could love my neighbor, consider others better than myself, and use my gifts in any place. I made the leap into ministry with that newfound boldness.

By Aaron Bjorklund  

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