The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. 2 Day to day pours out speech and night to night reveals knowledge. Psalm 19:1-2

It’s quiet up here on this hilltop overlooking Littleton. Except for the steady drone of traffic from C-470. And then the occasional bird chirping, dog barking, and neighbor talking. And here I am tapping keys on a man-made device, attempting to capture the wonder of God-made mountain beauty spread before me. Mountains for as far as I can see. Silhouettes of strength, growing slightly lighter by the minute.

It’s cold and it’s still and it’s grey. Not the brilliant sunrise I was hoping for. Like the gorgeous one I stole a glimpse of yesterday as I ducked into a building. Hopefully tomorrow I can get up early for a sunrise, I had thought. And so I’m here today. But so are the clouds. No bright red, orange, pink colors splash the sky like on other mornings. This day it’s a mix of gray, blues, white. But I’m reminded that the sun is still rising beyond the clouds. His sky still proclaims His handiwork. He is still the same God who creates beautiful sunrises and gloomy grey-skied mornings.

His beauty is unmatched. And it speaks to me now. I care for my creation. Will I not care for you? I delight in my creation. I delight in you.

And then I turn toward the east and I see it. A small hole in the clouds. Light breaks through. Just a little, but enough for me to know He’s here. He is light. He is truth behind the clouds. I look to the south and I sense his presence again. A strip of light slicing through the morning sky.

As the start of the workday approaches, I see the traffic slow in the distance. And I slow my thoughts. This is where true beauty and purpose is found. In communing with the Almighty God. Listening to His voice as He speaks through creation. A song rises up in me: Who am I that the highest King would welcome me? Oh his love for me. I want to be up here forever. And I know forever holds wonders unimaginable. Unending time with our King, the creator of all this and more.

In chapter 9 of Liz Ditty’s book, she gives some practical steps to hearing God’s voice in the beauty around us. I chose to do #1: Engage with nature in a meaningful way. Even if you are in an urban environment, find a way to watch the sun rise or set or go to a park where you can be near trees. Go for a walk or just stay still. Whichever you choose, take a moment to journal what you see and what you hear.

Today or this week, will you try this exercise also?

By Ellen Rosenberger 

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